Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pilot Letters: Newporters speak out

The protests have begun.

On the Forum page of today's Daily Pilot, a half dozen Newport Beach residents voice clear and strong opposition to the notion that the current site of the Tennis Club at Newport Beach Country Club is suited to be the home of a new City Hall facility. Some of the letters also torpedoe the City's potential use of eminent domain to acquire the property.

You can read the letters here. We'll also be posting the letters on the Daily Pilot Letters link.

As we've written here before, many of us don't necessarily disagree that our City, its dedicated employees and its citizens deserve a modern City Hall facility that will serve us well as Newport Beach begins its second century of incorporation. But it should be a City Hall on the right site and for the right price.

Condemning a rich social and recreational asset like the Tennis Club is certainly not the course - an expensive course, we might add - that the City should be charting.

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Robinson's 'Political Landscape' Column reports on Protect NBCC blogsite

Daily Pilot staffer Alicia Robinson's 'Political Landscape' column today briefly reports on the Protect Newport Beach Country Club weblog. We appreciate her coverage. You can read Robinson's column
here. The column is also posted under the Protect NBCC News Archives section.

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